MAET Year 2 Reflection

A look back: Hybrid classes always go by so fast when nine credit hours are put together into a six week period. You do such a large amount of work in that time period that it all starts to melt together and the thought “did I do that yesterday or last week”, is a constant … More MAET Year 2 Reflection

Is Education Relevant?

Is education relevant? What a great and interesting question to answer, that is why in January of 2013, the New Media Consortium (NMC) identified this question as one of five pressing “wicked challenges” that needs to be addressed for the future of education. The problem is each one of us will have a different answer to this … More Is Education Relevant?

Do we have enough?

Today’s world is filled with technology from smartphones to ipads, we use digital devices in most aspects of our life. Our students use computers in school today for online assignments, research, educational games, and in some cases curriculum delivery. The question for us as educators is, “Do we use enough technology in school and are … More Do we have enough?

The Power of Infographics

Infographics are powerful tools that convey information quickly and easily to people. They are visual representations for information and data presented in a way to catch your readers attention with pictures and short facts. The power of infographics in today’s world is how they show readers key points about a subject without the fillers of a paper or book. People today want … More The Power of Infographics

The Question Guy

There is always that guy or gal in every meeting you have ever been in, that has to ask all the questions. You know the guy, the one that is keeping you from lunch, class, or driving home because of all of his questions. Why are we doing this? Why is this an issue? Why don’t we discuss this … More The Question Guy

Information Overload

I have been working on an online learning project for the past week and half about how to layout a building. In that endeavor to use only online resources I have found so much information that it seems over whelming. From YouTube searches to articles on this subject, I have had to sort through way more … More Information Overload

Penny boats at the Maker’s Faire

The Maker movement along with Makerspace and Maker Faires are an important part of society that had been lost for the prior thirty years. The movement is all about innovation and a word I love “tinkering”. I feel the movement brings us back to a time when people worked on things from cars to sewing. These are things the current generation is … More Penny boats at the Maker’s Faire